Hi Fabian,
As you’re probably aware, we are running Ezescan on a dedicated scanner. And we’re entirely happy with it. It seems to be performing flawlessly.
OTOH, as you might know, we also have a competitor’s product that is running in a batch mode for other PDF/A conversions. Unfortunately, this product seems to fail on converting to PDF/A on a regular basis. And sometimes, once it fails, it will fail on all subsequent documents until restarted. So, we’re on the lookout for a replacement.
What the existing conversion program does is to monitor a folder for PDF files and when it finds one, it converts it to PDF/A format, puts the result in a different folder and deletes the original. We would like to know if you’ve got something similar that we could run stand-alone in a batch environment or even as a piggy-back on the current scanner software (which is running on a dedicated PC anyway).
Regards Dave